• [2010-10-28] New tutorial available

    Hello RTSS users. I'm just informing you that a new tutorial, based on a collection Read More…

  • [2009-09-20] Release 1.0.0b1 is out!

    Dear RTSS users, it took longer than expected, but a new release of RTSS is finally Read More…

  • [2009-04-13] Working environments for RTSS: A summary

    Dear RTSS users, in the last months, a lot of things have changed within the Scilab Read More…

Online Documentation, Stable RTSS

» Scilab Functions

The following is a list-by-category of the Scilab functions provided with the toolbox. Please, click a category name to expand or collapse the list of functions for the category (it requires Javascript enabled to work properly):

  • Homogeneous Transforms
    rt_eul2tr - Euler angles to homogeneous transform
    rt_oa2tr - orientation and approach vector to homogeneous transform
    rt_rotvec - rotation about arbitrary axis
    rt_rotx - homogeneous transform for rotation about X-axis
    rt_roty - homogeneous transform for rotation about Y-axis
    rt_rotz - homogeneous transform for rotation about Z-axis
    rt_rpy2tr - Roll/pitch/yaw angles to homogeneous transform
    rt_tr2eul - homogeneous transform to Euler angles
    rt_tr2rot - homogeneous transform to rotation submatrix
    rt_tr2rpy - homogeneous transform to roll/pitch/yaw angles
    rt_transl - set or extract the translational component of a homogeneous transform
    rt_trnorm - normalize a homogeneous transform
  • Quaternions
    disp - displays the quaternion as one-line summary of its coefficients
    double - convert a quaternion object to a 4-element vector
    hat - (^) raise quaternion to integer power
    inv - invert a quaternion
    norm - norm of a quaternion
    rt_plot - display a quaternion as a 3D rotation
    rt_q2tr - quaternion to homogeneous transform
    rt_qinterp - interpolate unit-quaternions
    rt_quaternion - construct/clone a quaternion object
    rt_unit - unitize a quaternion
    slash - (/) divide quaternion by quaternion or scalar
    star - (*) multiply quaternion by quaternion or vector
  • Kinematics
    rt_diff2tr - convert a differential motion vector to a homogeneous transform
    rt_fkine - compute the forward kinematics for a serial n-link manipulator
    rt_ikine - compute the inverse kinematics for a generic serial n-link manipulator
    rt_ikine560 - compute the inverse kinematics for a Puma 560 like robot arm
    rt_ikine560paul - compute all solutions for the inverse kinematics of a Puma 560 like robot arm using the Paul's algebraic method
    rt_ikinestanfpaul - compute all solutions for the inverse kinematics of a Stanford like robot arm using the Paul's algebraic method
    rt_jacob0 - compute manipulator Jacobian in base coordinate frame
    rt_jacobn - compute manipulator Jacobian in end-effector coordinate frame
    rt_tr2diff - convert a homogeneous transform to a differential motion vector
    rt_tr2jac - compute a Jacobian to map differential motion between frames
  • Dynamics
    rt_accel - compute manipulator forward dynamics
    rt_cinertia - compute the Cartesian (operational space) manipulator inertia matrix
    rt_coriolis - compute the manipulator Coriolis/centripetal torque components
    rt_fdyn - integrate the forward dynamics
    rt_friction - compute joint friction torque
    rt_frne - fast rne. C version of algorithm that computes inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler formulation
    rt_ftrans - transform force/moment between coordinate frames
    rt_gravload - compute the manipulator gravity torque components
    rt_inertia - compute the manipulator joint-space inertia matrix
    rt_itorque - compute the manipulator inertia torque component
    rt_rne - compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler formulation
  • Manipulator Models
    rt_link - construct/clone a link object
    rt_nofriction - remove friction from a robot object
    rt_perturb - randomly modify some dynamic parameters
    rt_puma560 - create a Puma 560 robot object
    rt_puma560akb - create a Puma 560 robot object using the Armstrong, Khatib and Burdick kinematic notation
    rt_robot - construct/clone a robot object
    rt_showlink - show link/robot data in detail
    rt_stanford - create a Stanford manipulator robot object
    rt_twolink - load kinematic and dynamic data for a simple 2-link RR planar
    star - (*) construct a robot which is the series connection of the multiplicands
  • Trajectory Generation
    rt_ctraj - compute a Cartesian trajectory between two points
    rt_jtraj - compute a joint space trajectory between two joint coordinates poses
    rt_trinterp - interpolate homogeneous transforms
  • Graphics
    rt_drivebot - drive a graphical robot
    rt_plot - create a graphical animation for a robot object
  • Other
    rt_ishomog - test if argument is a homogeneous transformation
    rt_maniplty - compute the scalar manipulability index for the manipulator at the given pose
    rt_unit - unitize a vector
» Scicos Blocks

A summary of the blocks provided with the Robotics palette is given by the following list-by-category:

Note that, except for the "Event Driven Source Signals" and the "Numerical Fixed Step-Size Integrators" blocks, generally there is a one-to-one correspondence between Scicos blocks and toolbox functions.


» Modeling Robotic Systems in Scicos

Demos that give the user an insight into the use of RTSS for constructing robot kinematic and dynamic models with Scicos are described in the following tutorial: rtss-scicos.pdf.

» Open Source Robotics with Scilab/Scicos

This is a collection of slides presented at the first HeDiSC Workshop On Open Source Software for Control Systems, which took place in Lugano (Switzerland) at SUPSI-DTI, at the end of June 2009. The presentation consists of two parts and it aims to illustrate features and usage of the Robotics Toolbox for Scilab/Scicos.

The first part of the presentation addresses the general problem of rigid motions representation in ℜ³ and also provides detailed examples of how robotic manipulators can be modeled in Scilab. The second part explains how said robot models can be imported in a Scicos diagram and shows complete examples where Scicos blocks from the Robotics palette implement some Closed-Loop Inverse Kinematics (CLIK) algorithms and several centralized control schemes with different design and complexity.

The full presentation, with animations, is packaged for download as a gzipped tar file or as a ZIP file.

» ScicosLab/Scicos for robotics applications

This is a collection of slides presented at the 3-day training course "ScicosLab 2010", which took place in Florence (Italy) at Plesso Didattico (Florence University), at October 19-21, 2010. The presentation deals with the modelling, the analysis and the control of industrial manipulators by using ScicosLab/Scicos and RTSS.

The full presentation, with animations, is packaged for download as a gzipped tar file or as a ZIP file.


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Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Matteo Morelli