Scilab Function
Last update : October 2007

rt_robot - construct/clone a robot object[view code]

Calling Sequence

r = rt_robot()
r = rt_robot(L [, name [, manuf [, comment]]])
r = rt_robot(DH [, name [, manuf [, comment]]])
r = rt_robot(DYN [, name [, manuf [, comment]]])
r2 = rt_robot(r [, L])


The Legacy DH Matrix

A DH matrix describes the kinematics of a manipulator in a general way using the standard Denavit and Hartenberg conventions. Each row represents one link of the manipulator and the columns are assigned according to the following table.

Column Symbol Description
1 alpha link twist angle
2 A link length
3 theta link rotation angle
4 D link offset distance
5 sigma joint type: 0 for revolute, non-zero for prismatic

The last column is optional. If it is not given then toolbox functions assume that the manipulator is all-revolute. Hence really n-by-5 is the high dimension of the DH matrix. For a n-axis manipulator DH can be an n-by-4 or a n-by-5 matrix.

Lengths A and D may be expressed in any unit, and this choice will flow on to the units in which homogeneous transforms and Jacobians are represented. All angles are in radians.

The Legacy DYN Matrix

A DYN matrix describes the kinematics and dynamics of a manipulator in a general way using the standard Denavit and Hartenberg conventions. Each row represents one link of the manipulator and the columns are assigned according to the following table.

Column Symbol Description
1 alpha link twist angle
2 A link length
3 theta link rotation angle
4 D link offset distance
5 sigma joint type: 0 for revolute, non-zero for prismatic
6 mass mass of the link
7 rx link COG with respect to the link coordinate frame
8 ry
9 rz
10 Ixx elements of the link inertia tensor about the link COG
11 Iyy
12 Izz
13 Ixy
14 Iyz
15 Ixz
16 Jm armature inertia
17 G reduction gear ratio: joint speed/link speed
18 B viscous friction, motor referred
19 Tc+ Coulomb friction (positive rotation), motor referred
20 Tc- Coulomb friction (negative rotation), motor referred

Columns 17, 18 and 19 (and 20 which is related to column 19) are optional. If they are not given then toolbox functions assume the following default values:

Symbol Value
G 1
B 0.0
[Tc+, Tc-] [0, 0]
Hence really n-by-20 is the high dimension of the DYN matrix.

The first 5 columns of a DYN matrix contain the kinematic parameters and may be used anywhere that a DH kinematic matrix is required (the dynamic data is ignored).

All angles are in radians. The choice of all other units is up to the user, and this choice will flow on to the units in which homogeneous transforms, Jacobians inertias and torques are represented.


The rt_robot function is the constructor for a robot object. The robot object has type robot.

The first form returns a default robot.

The second form creates a robot from a Scilab list of robot objects which define the robot's kinematics and optionally dynamics.

The third and the fourth forms create a robot object from legacy DH and DYN format matrices.

The fifth form is the copy constructor for the robot object and returns a new robot object with the same value as its argument. If the optional argument L is provided, then its lenght must equal the number of constituent links of the robot r which you are attempting to clone. Note that, unlike the Matlab version of this toolbox, THE VARIABLE ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR (=) DOES NOT CLONE A ROBOT OBJECT but rather it allows a quick reference to the object itself. This can result very useful, for example when you have to change few kinematic or dynamic parameters in the constituent links of a robot model and you want avoid redefinition or copy of the entire robot object.

The last three forms all accept optional trailing string arguments which are taken in order as being robot name, manufacturer and comment.

Since Scilab does not support the concept of public class, variables methods have been written to allow robot object parameters to be referenced (r) or assigned (a) as given by the following table:

Method Operation Returns Type
robot.n r number of joints scalar
robot.links r + a constituent links list of link objects r + a robot name string
robot.manuf r + a robot manufacturer string
robot.comment r + a general comment string
robot.gravity r + a vector defining gravity direction 3-element column vector
robot.mdh r DH convention: 0 if standard, 1 if modified. Determined from the constituent links scalar
robot.mdh a DH convention: 0 if standard, 1 if modified. Set all mdh values in the constituent links scalar
robot.base r + a homogeneous transform defining base of robot 4-by-4 matrix
robot.tool r + a homogeneous transform defining base of robot 4-by-4 matrix
robot.dh r legacy DH matrix n-by-5 matrix
robot.dyn r legacy DYN matrix n-by-20 matrix
robot.q r + a joint coordinates n-element column vector
robot.qlim r + a joint coordinate limits n-by-2 matrix
robot.islimit r joint limit vector, for each joint set to -1, 0 or 1 depending if below low limit, OK or greater than upper limit n-element column vector
robot.offset r + a joint coordinate offsets n-element column vector
robot.plotopt r + a options for robot/rt_plot list of valid options for robot plotting (see robot/rt_plot)
robot.lineopt r + a line style for robot graphical links 2-element list: string (valid Scilab color) and scalar (positive integer for line thickness property)
robot.shadowopt r + a line style for robot shadow links 2-element list: string (valid Scilab color) and scalar (positive integer for line thickness property)
robot.handle r + a graphics handles structure

The following are default values for parameters of a generic n-axis robot:

Method Value "noname"
robot.manuf ""
robot.comment ""
robot.gravity [0; 0; 9.81]
robot.offset zeros(n, 1)
robot.base eye(4, 4)
robot.tool eye(4, 4)
robot.lineopt list("black", 4)
robot.shadowopt list("black", 1)

Some of these operations at the robot level are actually wrappers around similarly named link object functions: offset, qlim and islimit.

The offset vector is added to the user specified joint angles before any kinematic or dynamic function is invoked (it is actually implemented whitin the link object). Similarly it is subtracted after an operation such as inverse kinematics. The need for a joint offset vector arises because of the constraints of the Denavit-Hartenberg (or modified Denavit-Hartenberg) notation. The pose of the robot with zero joint angles is frequently some rather unusual (or even unachievable) pose. The joint coordinate offset provides a means to make an arbitrary pose correspond to the zero joint angle case.

Overloaded Operators and Functions

In Scilab variable display and operators may be defined for new objects using Scilab-coded functions. The following is a list of all overloaded operators for the new Scilab object, the robot:

  • r1 * r2: returns a robot which is the series connection of the multiplicands. Tool transform of all but the last robot are ignored, base transform of all but the first robot are ignored.
  • In Scilab some basic primitive functions may be overloaded for new data types. The following is a list of all overloaded functions for the new Scilab object, the robot:

  • disp(r): gives a multi-line summary of the robot's kinematic parameters
  • rt_plot(r [, <arguments>]): creates a graphical animation for the robot
  • Examples

       // create a default robot model
       rdef = rt_robot(),
       // create a robot from a list of links:
       // Puma 560 standard (kinematic data only)
       L = list();
       L(1) = rt_link([%pi/2 0 0 0 0], "standard");
       L(2) = rt_link([0 0.4318 0 0 0], "standard");
       L(3) = rt_link([-%pi/2 0.0203 0 0.15005 0], "standard");
       L(4) = rt_link([%pi/2 0 0 0.4318 0], "standard");
       L(5) = rt_link([-%pi/2 0 0 0 0], "standard");
       L(6) = rt_link([0 0 0 0 0], "standard");
       p560_kinem = rt_robot(L, "P560 (K)", "Unimation", "Kinematic data only");
       clear L;
       // modified (AKB) Puma 560 (kinematic data, link masses and COGs)
       L = list();
       L(1) = rt_link([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "mod");
       L(2) = rt_link([-%pi/2, 0, 0, 0.2435, 0], "mod");
       L(3) = rt_link([0, 0.4318, 0, -0.0934, 0], "mod");
       L(4) = rt_link([%pi/2, -0.0203, 0, 0.4331, 0], "mod");
       L(5) = rt_link([-%pi/2, 0, 0, 0, 0], "mod");
       L(6) = rt_link([%pi/2, 0, 0, 0, 0], "mod");
       L(1).m = 0;
       L(2).m = 17.4;
       L(3).m = 4.8;
       L(4).m = 0.82;
       L(5).m = 0.34;
       L(6).m = 0.09;
       L(1).r = [0, 0, 0];
       L(2).r = [0.068, 0.006, -0.016];
       L(3).r = [0, -0.070, 0.014];
       L(4).r = [0, 0, -0.019];
       L(5).r = [0, 0, 0];
       L(6).r = [0, 0, 0.032];
       p560m_kmr = rt_robot(L, "P560M (K&D)", "Unimation"),
       clear L;
       // create a robot (planar RR) from a legacy DH matrix
       rrplan_dh = [0, 1, 0, 0;..           // alpha, a, theta, d
                    0, 1, 0, 0;],           // sigma not given => all-revolute
       rrplan = rt_robot(rrplan_dh, "Simple RR Planar", "", "from legacy DH"),
       // create a robot (Stanford Arm) from a legacy DYN matrix
       alpha = [-%pi/2; %pi/2; 0; -%pi/2; %pi/2; 0],    // kinematic parameters
       A = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0],
       theta = [0; 0; -%pi/2; 0; 0; 0],
       D = [0.412; 0.154; 0; 0; 0; 0.263],
       sigma = [0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0],          // Joint 3 is prismatic, therefore
                                            // sigma has to be given
       m = [9.29; 5.01; 4.25; 1.08; 0.63; 0.51],        // dynamic parameters
       rx = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0],
       ry = [0.0175; -1.054; 0; 0.092; 0; 0],
       rz = [-0.1105; 0; -6.447; -0.054; 0.566; 1.554],
       Ixx = [0.276; 0.108; 2.51; 0.002; 0.003; 0.013],
       Iyy = [0.255; 0.018; 2.51; 0.001; 0.003; 0.013],
       Izz = [0.071; 0.100; 0.006; 0.001; 0.0004; 0.0003],
       Ixy = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0],
       Iyz = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0],
       Ixz = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0],
       Jm = [0.953; 2.193; 0.782; 0.106; 0.097; 0.020],
       G = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1],
       stanford_dyn = [..                               // legacy DYN matrix
       alpha, A, theta, D, sigma, m, rx, ry, rz, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Iyz, Ixz, Jm, G];
       stanf = rt_robot(stanford_dyn, "Stanford Arm"),  // B and Tc are not given
       // clone a robot
       stanf_copy = rt_robot(stanf);        // stanf and stanf_copy are distinct = "Stanford Copy";
       disp(stanf);                         // the two names are different
       // refer to a robot
       r = stanf_copy;                      // r "points" to stanf_copy and from = "Another Name";             // now on each change on it will
       disp(r);                             // affect the stanf_copy object too.
       disp(stanf_copy);                    // stanf_copy's name has changed!
       disp(stanf);                         // But stanf's name has not! This
                                            // because stanf and stanf_copy are
                                            // distinct objects
       // change few parameters of constituent links of a robot model
       // avoiding redefinition or copy of an entire robot object
       exec <PATH>/models/rt_puma560.sce;           // load Puma 560 parameters
       disp(p560);                                  // display the robot
       L = p560.links;                              // quick reference to links
       L(1).A = 1;
       L(2).A = 0.8;
       L(3).theta = -%pi/2;
       disp(p560);                                  // parameters have changed!
       // some other reference or assignment operations
       p560.mdh,                                    // refer mdh
       p560.mdh = 1,                                // assign mdh
       p560.qlim = [-2.2*ones(6,1), 2.2*ones(6,1)]; // assign joint limits
       q = 2*%pi*rand(6,1) - %pi,
       p560.islimit(q),                             // test joint state vector
       rt_showlink(p560);                           // show detailed robot data
       // Get the type of a robot object
       typeof(stanf) == "robot",            // returns %T (true)

    See Also

    rt_link,  rt_showlink,  robot/rt_plot,  


    original Matlab version by

    Peter I. Corke CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology

    Scilab implementation by

    Matteo Morelli Interdepartmental Research Center "E. Piaggio", University of Pisa


    Corke, P.I. "A Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 3(1), March 1996, pp. 24-32

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